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ASP.NET Web API routing maps HTTP requests to controller actions, enabling clean and intuitive APIs. This guide covers:

  • Convention-based vs attribute routing
  • Setting up routes
  • Advanced techniques
  • Best practices
  • Troubleshooting

Key points:

  • Default route template: api/{controller}/{id}
  • Two main routing types: convention-based and attribute
  • Action selection considers HTTP method and route parameters
  • Route constraints limit how parameters are matched
  • Attribute routing offers more control over complex URIs

Quick Comparison:

Feature Convention-based Attribute
Setup Global config On controllers/actions
Flexibility Less flexible More control
Best for Simple patterns Complex/RESTful APIs
Readability Separate from code Next to actions

Whether you’re new to Web API or looking to optimize your routing, this guide provides practical examples and solutions to common challenges.

2. What is Web API Routing?

Web API routing is the process of mapping incoming HTTP requests to specific controller action methods in ASP.NET Web API applications. It’s the backbone of how your API handles and responds to client requests.

2.1 How Routing Works

When a request hits your Web API, the routing system springs into action:

  1. It examines the request’s URI and HTTP method.
  2. It matches this information against defined route templates.
  3. If a match is found, it directs the request to the appropriate controller and action method.

Let’s break this down with a practical example:

public class ProductsController : ApiController {
    public IEnumerable<Product> GetAllProducts() { /* ... */ }
    public Product GetProductById(int id) { /* ... */ }
    public HttpResponseMessage DeleteProduct(int id) { /* ... */ }

With this controller, here’s how different requests would be routed:

HTTP Method URI Action Method Parameter
GET api/products GetAllProducts None
GET api/products/5 GetProductById 5
DELETE api/products/5 DeleteProduct 5

2.2 Important Terms

To fully grasp Web API routing, you need to understand these key terms:

  • URI (Uniform Resource Identifier): The address used to access a resource in your API.
  • Controller: A class that handles HTTP requests, inheriting from ApiController.
  • Action Method: A public method within a controller that processes specific requests.
  • Route Template: A pattern that defines how URIs are matched to controllers and actions.
  • Route Table: A collection of route templates used for matching incoming requests.

The default route template in Web API is:

    name: "DefaultApi",
    routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
    defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }

This template forms the basis for many Web API projects, providing a simple yet effective starting point for routing HTTP requests to the appropriate controller actions.

3. Routing Types in ASP.NET Web API


ASP.NET Web API offers two main routing types: Convention-based Routing and Attribute Routing. Each has its own strengths and use cases.

3.1 Convention-based Routing

Convention-based routing uses a centralized approach to define routes. It’s set up in the WebApiConfig.cs file and applies to all controllers in your application.

Here’s a typical setup:

public static class WebApiConfig {
    public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config) {
            name: "DefaultApi",
            routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
            defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }

This setup creates a default route that matches URLs like:

  • api/products
  • api/products/5

The {controller} part maps to your controller name, and {id} is an optional parameter.

3.2 Attribute Routing

Attribute routing gives you more control over your URLs by allowing you to define routes directly on your controllers and actions.

To use attribute routing, you need to enable it in your WebApiConfig:


Then, you can use attributes to define routes:

public class ProductsController : ApiController {
    public IHttpActionResult GetProduct(int id) {
        // Method implementation

This approach is helpful for creating more complex or RESTful URLs.

3.3 Comparing Routing Types

Feature Convention-based Routing Attribute Routing
Setup Centralized in WebApiConfig Distributed across controllers
Flexibility Less flexible More flexible
Complexity Simpler for standard patterns Better for complex patterns
Maintenance Easier to maintain globally Easier to understand per-action

Convention-based routing is often simpler for smaller applications with standard URL patterns. Attribute routing shines when you need precise control over your URLs, especially for RESTful APIs.

You can use both types in the same project. A common practice is to use attribute routing for specific, complex routes and convention-based routing as a catch-all for simpler cases.

4. Setting Up Your Development Environment

To start building ASP.NET Web API applications, you need the right tools. Let’s go through the necessary setup steps.

4.1 Necessary Tools

Here’s what you’ll need:

Tool Purpose Download Link
Visual Studio 2022 Primary IDE for development visualstudio.microsoft.com
.NET SDK 8 Framework for building and running applications dotnet.microsoft.com
SQL Server 2019 Database management microsoft.com
SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) Database administration tool docs.microsoft.com
Postman API testing tool postman.com

When installing Visual Studio 2022, make sure to select the "ASP.NET and Web Development" workload. This includes all the tools you’ll need for Web API development.

4.2 Starting a Web API Project

Once you have the tools installed, you can create a new Web API project:

1. Open Visual Studio 2022

2. Click on "File" > "New" > "Project"

3. In the search box, type "ASP.NET Core Web API"

4. Select the "ASP.NET Core Web API" template

5. Click "Next" and fill in your project details:

  • Project name (e.g., "MyRestaurantService")
  • Location
  • Solution name

6. Choose your framework version (latest stable version recommended)

7. Click "Create"

Visual Studio will set up a basic Web API project structure for you. This includes:

  • Program.cs: Contains the Main method
  • Startup.cs: Holds bootstrapping logic
  • A default API controller

To test your new API:

  1. Press F5 or click the "Start" button in Visual Studio
  2. Your default browser will open, showing the API’s base URL
  3. Add "/api/values" to the URL to see the default GET response

Remember, you can also use the .NET Core CLI to create a new project. Open a command prompt and run:

dotnet new webapi -n MyWebApi

This creates a new folder called MyWebApi with a basic Web API project.

5. Using Convention-based Routing

Convention-based routing is a key feature in ASP.NET Web API that maps HTTP requests to controller actions based on predefined patterns. Let’s dive into how to set it up and use it effectively.

5.1 Default Route Setup

In ASP.NET Web API, the default route is typically configured in the WebApiConfig.cs file, located in the App_Start directory. Here’s how it looks:

public static class WebApiConfig {
    public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config) {
            name: "DefaultApi",
            routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
            defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }

This setup creates a route with the pattern "api/{controller}/{id}", where:

  • "api" is a literal path segment
  • {controller} is a placeholder for the controller name
  • {id} is an optional parameter

For example, these URIs would match the default route:

  • /api/products
  • /api/products/1

But this one wouldn’t (it’s missing "api"):

  • /products/1

5.2 Changing Route Templates

You can adjust the route template to fit your API’s needs. For instance, if you want to include an action in the route:

    name: "ActionApi",
    routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
    defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }

This allows for URIs like:

  • /api/products/getbyid/1

5.3 Route Constraints and Defaults

Route constraints help ensure that parameters match specific types or patterns. Here’s an example using constraints:

    name: "ProductApi",
    routeTemplate: "api/products/{id}",
    defaults: new { controller = "Products", id = RouteParameter.Optional },
    constraints: new { id = @"\d+" }

In this case, the {id} parameter must be one or more digits.

You can also set default values for parameters:

    name: "DefaultApi",
    routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}",
    defaults: new { action = "Get" }

This sets "Get" as the default action if none is specified in the URI.

6. Working with Attribute Routing

Attribute routing in ASP.NET Web API gives developers more control over URI design. It allows for clearer, more expressive routes directly on controllers and actions.

6.1 Setting Up Attribute Routing

To enable attribute routing in your Web API project, add this line to your WebApiConfig.cs file:

public static class WebApiConfig
    public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)

        // Your other configuration code...

This activates attribute routing alongside convention-based routing.

6.2 Main Route Attributes

The primary attributes for defining routes are:

  • [Route]: Specifies the route template for an action or controller
  • [RoutePrefix]: Sets a common prefix for all routes in a controller


public class BooksController : ApiController
    public IEnumerable<Book> GetAllBooks() { ... }

    public Book GetBook(int id) { ... }

In this example, the GetAllBooks method responds to GET api/books, while GetBook handles GET api/books/1.

6.3 HTTP Verb Attributes

Web API provides attributes for each HTTP verb:

Attribute HTTP Method
[HttpGet] GET
[HttpPost] POST
[HttpPut] PUT
[HttpDelete] DELETE
[HttpHead] HEAD
[HttpOptions] OPTIONS
[HttpPatch] PATCH

These attributes can be used with or without a route template:

public HttpResponseMessage CreateBook(Book book) { ... }

This method responds to POST api/books/create.

6.4 Route Prefixes and Structure

The [RoutePrefix] attribute helps organize routes hierarchically:

public class AuthorBooksController : ApiController
    public IEnumerable<Book> GetAuthorBooks(int authorId) { ... }

    public Book GetAuthorBook(int authorId, int bookId) { ... }

These routes respond to:

  • GET api/authors/1/books
  • GET api/authors/1/books/2

To override the prefix for a specific action, start the route with "/" or "~":

public IEnumerable<Book> GetAllBooks() { ... }

This method responds to GET api/books, ignoring the controller’s route prefix.


7. Advanced Routing Methods

ASP.NET Web API offers powerful tools for handling complex routing scenarios. Let’s explore some advanced methods to fine-tune your API’s routing.

7.1 Using Route Constraints

Route constraints allow you to restrict how route parameters are matched. They help ensure that your API only responds to valid requests.

Here’s an example of using route constraints:

public Student GetStudentDetails(int studentID) { ... }

public Student GetStudentDetails(string studentName) { ... }

In this code, the first route only matches if studentID is an integer, while the second route only matches if studentName contains alphabetic characters.

7.2 Optional and Default Parameters

To make your API more flexible, you can use optional parameters and default values:

public IEnumerable<Book> GetBooksByLocale(int lcid = 1033) { ... }

This route will match both /api/books/locale and /api/books/locale/1033, using 1033 as the default lcid if not provided.

7.3 Route Names and Order

Every route in Web API has a name, which is useful for generating links in HTTP responses. You can set the route name using the Name property:

[Route("api/books/{id}", Name="GetBookById")]
public BookDto GetBook(int id) { ... }

The order of route evaluation can be controlled using the Order property:

[Route("api/books/{id}", Order = 1)]
public BookDto GetBook(int id) { ... }

[Route("api/books/{title}", Order = 2)]
public BookDto GetBookByTitle(string title) { ... }

Lower Order values are evaluated first, ensuring more specific routes are matched before general ones.

7.4 Handling Complex Routes

For more complex routing scenarios, you can create custom route constraints by implementing the IHttpRouteConstraint interface:

public class NonZeroConstraint : IHttpRouteConstraint
    public bool Match(HttpRequestMessage request, IHttpRoute route, string parameterName, IDictionary<string, object> values, HttpRouteDirection routeDirection)
        object value;
        if (values.TryGetValue(parameterName, out value) && value != null)
            int intValue;
            if (int.TryParse(value.ToString(), out intValue))
                return intValue != 0;
        return false;

This custom constraint ensures that a parameter is a non-zero integer.

To use this constraint, you’d register it in your Web API configuration:

config.MapHttpAttributeRoutes(new HttpRouteBuilder()
    Constraints = new HttpRouteValueDictionary
        { "nonzero", new NonZeroConstraint() }

Then, you can use it in your route attributes:

public Item GetItem(int id) { ... }

8. Routing Best Practices

When building ASP.NET Web APIs, following routing best practices helps create clear, maintainable, and user-friendly APIs. Let’s explore key guidelines for effective routing.

8.1 Creating RESTful Routes

RESTful routes make APIs more intuitive and easier to use. Here are some tips:

  • Use nouns, not verbs, in your routes
  • Employ plural nouns for collections
  • Use HTTP methods to indicate actions

For example:

public class StudentController : Controller
    public IActionResult GetAllStudents() { ... }

    public IActionResult GetStudentById(int id) { ... }

    public IActionResult CreateStudent([FromBody] Student student) { ... }

This approach is clearer and more consistent than using verb-based routes like getAllStudents or createStudent.

8.2 API Versioning

API versioning is key for managing changes without breaking existing client applications. Here are two common approaches:

  1. URI Path Versioning:
public class StudentControllerV1 : Controller { ... }

public class StudentControllerV2 : Controller { ... }
  1. Header-based Versioning:
public class StudentControllerV1 : Controller { ... }

public class StudentControllerV2 : Controller { ... }

To set up header-based versioning, configure it in Startup.cs:

services.AddApiVersioning(config =>
    config.DefaultApiVersion = new ApiVersion(1, 0);
    config.AssumeDefaultVersionWhenUnspecified = true;
    config.ReportApiVersions = true;
    config.ApiVersionReader = new HeaderApiVersionReader("api-version");

8.3 Error Handling

Proper error handling improves API usability. Use standard HTTP status codes to indicate the type of error:

Status Code Meaning Example Use Case
200 OK Successful GET, PUT, PATCH, or DELETE
201 Created Successful POST resulting in creation
400 Bad Request Client-side input fails validation
404 Not Found Requested resource doesn’t exist
500 Internal Server Error Unexpected server-side error

Implement global exception handling to manage unhandled exceptions and provide standardized error responses:

app.UseExceptionHandler(errorApp =>
    errorApp.Run(async context =>
        context.Response.StatusCode = 500;
        context.Response.ContentType = "application/json";

        var error = context.Features.Get<IExceptionHandlerFeature>();
        if (error != null)
            var ex = error.Error;

            await context.Response.WriteAsync(new ErrorModel()
                StatusCode = 500,
                ErrorMessage = "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later."

9. Common Routing Problems and Solutions

When working with ASP.NET Web API routing, developers often face challenges that can impact the functionality and performance of their APIs. Let’s explore some common issues and how to address them.

9.1 Unclear Routes

Ambiguous routes can lead to confusion and errors in API calls. A common symptom is receiving a "No HTTP resource was found" error message.

For example, a developer encountered this issue when trying to access the DeleteAttachment method:


The solution? Use attribute routing for specific actions:

public void DeleteAttachment(string fileName){}

This approach makes the route explicit and helps avoid conflicts with other routes.

9.2 Overly Complex Routes

As applications grow, route complexity can increase, making the API harder to understand and maintain.

To simplify routes:

  1. Break down complex routes into smaller, more manageable components
  2. Use attribute routing for clearer organization
  3. Implement route constraints to restrict parameter values

For instance, instead of using a catch-all route, define specific routes for each action:

public class StudentController : Controller
    public IActionResult GetAllStudents() { ... }

    public IActionResult GetStudentById(int id) { ... }

9.3 Route Performance

Slow API responses can frustrate users and impact the overall application performance. To improve route performance:

  1. Use HTTP/2 to multiplex requests over a single connection
  2. Implement request pipelining
  3. Utilize caching strategies
Caching Strategy Description Use Case
In-memory caching Stores data in application memory Frequently accessed, small datasets
Redis caching Distributed caching for larger datasets High-traffic applications with multiple servers
Disk-based caching Stores cached data on disk Large datasets that don’t fit in memory

Monitor your API’s behavior closely, especially after launching new features or during high-demand periods. This proactive approach helps identify and address performance issues before they impact users.

10. Testing and Fixing Routes

Testing and fixing routes in ASP.NET Web API is crucial for maintaining a functional and efficient API. Let’s explore some tools and methods to help you diagnose and resolve routing issues.

10.1 Route Testing Tools

Several tools can help you test and debug your Web API routes:

  1. ASP.NET Web API Route Debugger: This built-in tool helps you understand how routing works in your application. It shows you the step-by-step process of route matching, controller selection, and action selection.
  2. Postman: This popular API testing tool allows you to send requests with different HTTP methods, headers, and body content. It’s particularly useful for testing non-GET requests or those requiring authentication.
  3. Browser Developer Tools: For simple GET requests, your browser’s developer tools can provide insights into the request URL, method, status code, and headers.
  4. Integration Tests: Writing integration tests for your endpoints not only verifies your routes but also checks their functionality. Here’s a simple example using XUnit:
public async Task Get_ReturnsOkResult()
    var controller = new ValuesController();
    var result = await controller.Get();

10.2 Fixing Routing Problems

When you encounter routing issues, follow these steps to diagnose and fix them:

  1. Identify the Problem: Use the tools mentioned above to gather information about the request and response.
  2. Check the Basics: Verify that you’re using the correct HTTP method and URL for your API endpoint.
  3. Examine Route Configuration: Review your route templates and constraints. For example, if you’re getting a 404 error, your route might be misconfigured:
    name: "DefaultApi",
    routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
    defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
  1. Use Attribute Routing: For complex routes, consider using attribute routing to make your intentions clear:
public class ValuesController : ApiController
    public IActionResult Get(int id)
        // Method implementation
  1. Handle Ambiguous Routes: If you have multiple routes that could match a request, ensure they’re ordered correctly or use constraints to differentiate them.
  2. Check for Common Errors: Look out for these frequent issues:
Error Possible Cause Solution
404 Not Found Incorrect route or non-existent resource Verify route configuration and resource existence
405 Method Not Allowed Wrong HTTP method used Check API documentation for correct method
500 Internal Server Error Server-side exception Debug server code and check logs

11. Conclusion

ASP.NET Web API routing is a key component in building effective and efficient APIs. Throughout this guide, we’ve explored various aspects of routing, from basic concepts to advanced techniques.

11.1 Main Points

Let’s recap the main points of ASP.NET Web API routing:

  1. Routing Types: ASP.NET Web API supports two main routing types:

    • Convention-based Routing
    • Attribute Routing
  2. Default Route Template: The standard route template for Web API applications is "api/{controller}/{id}".
  3. Route Configuration: It’s crucial to set up at least one route template in the routing table to handle incoming HTTP requests.
  4. Action Selection: The ApiControllerActionSelector class handles action selection, considering:

    • HTTP method
    • Action placeholder in the route template
    • Parameters of the controller actions
  5. .NET Core Changes: In .NET Core, the routing system has become localized, requiring explicit parameter decoration.
  6. HTTP Verbs: Action methods in Web API controllers must either:

    • Have HTTP action verbs as prefixes (e.g., GetUser, PostOrder)
    • Be decorated with appropriate HTTP verb attributes ([HttpGet], [HttpPost], etc.)
  7. Parameter Matching: The Web API framework matches non-complex route parameters to method arguments by name.

Here’s a quick comparison of routing in different .NET versions:

Feature .NET Framework .NET Core
Routing Configuration WebApiConfig Localized routing system
Parameter Decoration Optional Required
Route Definition Global configuration [Route] attribute on controllers/actions


What are route constraints in Web API?

Route constraints in ASP.NET Web API allow you to limit how parameters in route templates are matched. They use the syntax {parameter:constraint}. For instance:

public User GetUserById(int id) { ... }

public User GetUserByName(string name) { ... }

In this example, the first route will only match if id is an integer, while the second route requires name to contain only alphabetic characters.

Route constraints can include:

  • Data types (int, double, bool, datetime)
  • Length restrictions (minlength, maxlength)
  • Regular expression patterns

What is the difference between attribute and conventional routing?

Aspect Conventional Routing Attribute Routing
Usage Typically used with controllers and views Commonly used with REST APIs
Configuration Set up globally in route config Applied directly to controllers and actions
Flexibility Less flexible for complex routes More control over URI structure
Readability Route logic separate from controller code Routes defined alongside controller actions

What are the advantages of attribute based routing?

Attribute routing in ASP.NET Web API offers several benefits:

  1. Better control: You can create URIs that describe resource hierarchies more easily.
  2. Clarity: Routes are defined right next to the corresponding action methods, improving code readability.
  3. Flexibility: It’s simpler to create complex routes or exceptions to routing conventions.
  4. Combination: You can use both attribute and conventional routing in the same project.

Pranaya Rout, an author on the topic, states: "Attribute routing gives you more control over the URIs in your web API."

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Last modified: February 12, 2025
