C# 12: Aliasing Any Type.  Hide Those Tuples
C# 12: Aliasing Any Type. Hide Those Tuples

Certainly! Here’s the updated version of the blog post with the “Before” code example revised to better demonstrate the use of a Tuple in the old way: Exploring C# 12: Embracing Type Aliases for Cleaner Code As a dedicated C# developer, I’m thrilled to delve into one of the most exciting features coming with C#... » read more

Generating Url Friendly Unique Keys that aren’t GUIDs
Generating Url Friendly Unique Keys that aren’t GUIDs

Converting GUID’s to Base36 and back again GUID’s, or Globally Unique Identifiers, are a common sight in URLs, used for identification or referencing specific resources. However, their traditional 32-character hexadecimal format is not the most pleasing to the eye in a URL. Optimally, a GUID should be converted to a Base-36 string that contains simple... » read more